Endoscopy unit -
Dr. RAMA SOFAT HOSPITAL is one of the Punjab's foremost Centre dedicated to minimal access surgery(MAS) procedure, a highly advanced alternative to the conventional 'open' surgery(other term for minimally invasive surgery are Rayhole surgery or pinhole surgery). The hospital is equipped with state of the art operation theaters comparable with the best in the world and fitted with modern equipments and latest instruments.
If you are visiting our hospital for the first time, you must visit the hospital within the designated time and you must bring along.
A record of your previous sickness and medical treatment from previous physicians.
Recent x-ray or scans with the reports.
List of drugs you are talking or have recently taken with dosage of each medicine.
After deciding to get operated, you will be analyzed and once you are fir to undergo endoscopic surgery, you will be admitted on the day of surgery or one the prior, depending upon the surgery. The patient must strictly follow the instruction about his diet plans before getting admitted to the hospital.
The conventional surgical method consist or three main stages: cutting the patient open, removing or repairing an organ or tissue and closing the patient up again. In minimally invasive surgery, the effect of the first and last of these is decreased as far as possible, either by gaining access to the body through natural orifices or by operating through very small holes(typical 5-15mm across) cut into the body. The evolution of fiber optic light source, miniature video cameras and specially designed (example: cutting, grasping, stapling) tool has allowed increasingly complex surgeries to be performed, with the surgeon being guided by high resolution magnified video images.