Maternity Treatment
Dr. Rama Sofat Hospital prides itself on the high standards of care and support it offers to the pregnant women during the antenatal, intranal and postnatal periods of her pregnancy. While antenatal care constitutes the strategies of care during pregnancy, intranatal and postnatal care provides for the tactics to ensure safe child birth and support to the mother and child after a successful delivery.
Doctors at Dr. Rama Sofat Hospital believe that antenatal care forms the basis of establishing rapport between the obstetrician and the pregnant woman under medical care. We advise her about diet, personal hygiene, medications and investigations to ensure satisfactory pregnancy and a safe delivery.
In addition to the antenatal services and high risk pregnancy care of anaemic, diabetic, hypertensive, Rh negative, Heart disease, Thyroid disease patients, painless delivery , stitchless caesarean and other maternity services are provided round the clock by highly qualified and experienced doctors.